Monday, April 26, 2010

Baby Steps

Greg Calcaterra of "Hardball Talk" on NBC Sports has the Orioles ranked 29th in his recent power rankings, ahead of another perennial loser, the Pittsburgh Pirates.

(1) That's reason enough for me to celebrate. The O's are out of last in someone's opinion.

(2) How Calcaterra ranks a 3-16 team ahead of a 7-11 team is beyond me, even if the Pirates did lose a three-game set to the Brewers last week by a combined score of 36-1 (including an ugly 20-0 loss).  Fact is, they have more than twice the wins the O's do.

(3) Can this be a sign of things to come? Dare we dream? Ranked 28th by June? You never know.

1 comment:

  1. I take it back.

    Pittsburgh has lost seven in a row by an incredible collective score of 72-12.
